When all you have is an email address, Flowtown can give you a name, age, gender, occupation, location and all the social networks that person is on. Check out FlowTown.com >>
How often do you communicate with the people you should? etacts tracks that for you (for free).
SWIX is like Google Analytics for social media. You wouldn’t run an important web-site without tracking your traffic patterns, nor should you invest in social media without understanding how it’s working for you.
Gist helps you build stronger relationships by connecting the inbox to the web to provide buisiness-critical information about the people and companies that matter most. Visit gist >>
Threadsy pulls together your email and social accounts into a simple, enjoyable experience. Visit threadsy >>
How do you build credibility online? You do it with lots of hard work, cultivating quality relationships with the press, bloggers, thought leaders, webmasters, microbloggers, and other influencers. But until now, that process has been time-consuming and resource-intensive. BuzzStream is a new platform for building more effective and more human relationships online, without all the overhead and bandwidth. BuzzStream will help you. Visit Buzzstream.com >>