Besides selling more products by getting bloggers to write reviews on them, you can increase your search engine ranking from the links created during the review process. As many of you know building links coming back to your website helps increase your websites search engine ranking.
When you send a product to the approved blogger they will write a review and most likely add a link in that review going back to your website. This one-way link is a huge benefit to your websites search engine goals. Most of the time Google gives bloggers higher search engine rankings because they are updating content regularly. Your review will be one of those pages that are weighed heavily, talking about your product, and linking back to your website. These are the three major components to any link building campaign.
How Do I Tell What Links Were Added In A Review?
The power of Tomoson is its reporting features. After a blogger writes a review they need to verify it with a simple piece of code they copy into the review. This piece of code serves two purposes:
1. It will display an icon stating this is a review the blogger got a free product for (Which is now required by law for all bloggers to do)
2. It will capture the review so we can display it in your control panel.
The second purpose gives you, the promoter all the power to review what was written, how many links are in the review, and where they link. This makes not only a powerful sales tool but a powerful SEO tool as well.
Next week we’ll review the Control Panel. Link Management Control Panel