Tired of dragging the h1, h2, h3 and paragraph text Axure widgets separately onto each wireframe?
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I was. I finally decided to create three widget style guides that I could drag and drop to each page. These three widths (560px, 600px and 640px) fit most of the content areas of my 960px grid layouts. Each style guide widget includes:
- H1 heading
- H2 heading
- H3 heading
- Paragraph text
- Ordered list
- Unordered list
- Blockquote
These style guides really speed up my prototyping. Even if the three widths don’t fit your exact content area, they are simple to scale in width. These are great filler for pages or can even be used to add real content. Most of the time, I drag the widget onto my prototype and then make a master of everything except the H1 heading. I then of course name the H1 heading the title of the page. I then revisit the page later and flatten the master (if needed) to add in any unique structure to that page using my style guide. Example, I might use the unordered list as the navigation for jump links on a FAQ’s page. I use the blockquotes to structure a testimonial page. Please let me know if you are finding this useful and if there is any other element you might want me to add to this Axure style guides widget. I’d also like to see if you’d like me to create any other size, or if it’s easy enough to scale the sizes I included in this Axure library file.